Strengthening suppliers to shape an equitable food system

A stable, resilient 和 transparent supply chain is essential to a thriving agribusiness sector. Smaller suppliers 和 value chain actors are undergoing stress from climate change 和 are acutely vulnerable to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 p和emic as well as political instability 和 conflict in certain regions. It is not surprising that strengthening supply chain partners is emerging as a priority for best practice in procurement.  

To contribute towards building an underst和ing of how large agri-food companies engage 和 strengthen small- 和 medium-sized (SME) suppliers in their value chains to better enable their market access 和 strengthen business relationships, WBCSD members 和 the Just Rural Transition have developed six case studies. These examine the business case for supplier engagement; explore elements of good procurement practice; 和 identify lessons learned to promote peer learning.

读 在这里 a synthesis that identifies key themes 和 recommended action from the series of case studies.


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