Leading companies form collaborative agreements in India and Mexico to drive investments in zero-emission vehicles

发表: 2023年12月5日
类型: 新闻

迪拜,2023年12月5日至今 后, 印度在G20峰会上宣布电动卡车的历史需求在美国,30多家大公司已联合成为该联盟的一部分 新兴市场零排放汽车倡议(ZEV-EMI), led by the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), ZEV过渡委员会(ZEVTC)下的美国和英国政府, 并在新兴市场达成合作协议. As part of the Breakthrough Agenda and the Global ZEV Transition Roadmap, this public-private action aims to accelerate investments along the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) value chain in India, 作为在墨西哥和世界范围内复制的蓝图.

Despite accounting for nearly one-third of all vehicle sales globally, 新兴市场在采用zev方面明显滞后. 根据 国际清洁, in 2023, only 3% of global sales of zero-emission light-duty vehicles occurred in these markets. 另外, emerging markets housed a mere 2% of global charging infrastructure, 对全球运输脱碳构成风险. Private sector leadership is paramount for addressing the growing gap and transforming systems by aligning roadmaps and providing impactful signals for market and policy creation.  

The ZEV-EMI partner companies working alongside ZEVTC governments to address the growing gap between leading and emerging markets, 今天宣布:

1. National data-sharing platform for optimizing planning and catalyzing infrastructure investments in India.

Starting with collaboration on a pilot modeling activity led by 富士通, a consortium of ZEV-EMI businesses and partners has united under a national data-sharing platform. 在一起, they call for nationwide collaboration on data-sharing to predict infrastructure needs, 为基础设施部署提供基于事实的建议, 并为相关投资创造机会.

2. Aggregation and financing task force for a large e-freight pilot deployment in India

由印度政府领导 E-FAST (Electric Freight Accelerator for Sustainable 运输) initiative, 这些工作组支持无与伦比的行业努力. More than 15 businesses have already joined forces and announced that close to 8,到2030年,可部署1000辆电动卡车, 包括Aditya Birla集团, 亚马逊, 丹佛斯印度, DHL集团, Gentari, 京, 马士基, 雀巢, 百事公司印度, Shree水泥, UltraTech Cement和Tata Chemicals等公司.

3. ZEV-EMI在墨西哥推出

The ZEV-EMI coalition also announced strengthened efforts to support Mexico’s zero-emission vehicle transition. 在未来的几个月, the coalition will explore opportunities for deeper collaboration along the common priorities: infrastructure, ZEV中试部署, 能力建设.

4. 释放 ZEV-EMI协作模型 & 最佳实践集合

WBCSD releases a publication that provides a viable blueprint for replicating impactful public-private actions across other markets. 

“Today's announcement showcases the successful outcomes from the first year of the ZEV-EMI work to forge partnerships to expedite private investments and bolster supportive public policies. 自第27届联合国气候变化大会启动以来, the ZEV-EMI has worked with over 30 industry leaders in two of the world's fast-growing markets - India and Mexico.  We continue to support ZEV-EMI to engage businesses and governments to step up their efforts to help decarbonize the mobility sector, 投资配套的基础设施, 并使全球电动汽车供应链多样化,”里德舒勒, 执行和抱负部常务董事, 总统气候特使约翰·克里, U.S. 国务院.

自第27届缔约方会议启动ZEV-EMI倡议以来, more than 30 businesses have given their support to the initiative, 包括Aditya Birla集团, 亚马逊, Arcadis, 阿斯利康, BloombergNEF, DHL集团, EVage汽车, Eşarj Enerjisa, Fifthwall, 富士通, 通用汽车(General Motors), Gentari, 抓住, 日立, 本田, 京, 毕马威(KPMG), LinkedIn, 马士基, 百事可乐, 斯堪尼亚, Shree水泥, 超级, 和UltraTech水泥, 等.

ZEV-EMI动作是 全球ZEVTC路线图, 由ZEVTC政府同意, to address Road 运输 Breakthrough priorities and operates as part of the ZEVTC International Assistance Task Force, providing tailored support for emerging and developing economies that want to move further and faster in transport decarbonization.

“The UK was proud to jointly launch the ZEV-EMI at COP27 alongside WBCSD and the United States government, and it has been exciting to see this important work flourish over the last year, 包括作为与印度的零排放国家伙伴关系的一部分. The initiative fills a key gap in the international support offered for countries, providing a platform for vital dialogue that fosters partnerships between major international companies and emerging market countries. The UK looks forward to the ZEV-EMI further scaling its activities over the coming year, including as part of the implementation of the Global ZEV Transition Roadmap that has been launched by the ZEV Transition Council today,” 评论 Ed Webber, Deputy Director of Financing and Sectors Transition, Government of the United Kingdom.

"Today's announcements mark the successful culmination of unprecedented efforts by industry leaders and ZEVTC governments, 尤其是美国和英国. 自该倡议在COP27上启动以来, 这一合作开创了全球先例, providing a blueprint for effective public-private partnerships to accelerate zero-emission vehicle deployment worldwide,” Diane Holdorf, WBCSD执行副总裁.

欲了解更多有关该倡议的信息,请联系 Urska Skrt, 汽车脱碳部经理.

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