
发表: 2024年1月11日
类型: 出版

The president of the World Council for Sustainable Business 发展 explains that although our information on climate change is imperfect, 我们有足够的数据采取行动. 企业可能在这一转变中扮演最关键的角色.

十多年了, Peter Bakker has led the Geneva-based 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), 一个全球, 首席执行官-led community of over 200 of the world’s leading sustainable businesses. They are working collectively to accelerate the system transformations needed for a Net Zero, 自然的积极, 更公平的未来. 以前, 他曾是TNT公司的首席执行官, 全球运输和物流公司, w在这里 he had incorporated sustainability in the company’s strategy and processes. He is also a member of the UBS Sustainability and Impact Institute Forum.



What is your take on the state of capitalism and its role in driving sustainability forward?

资本主义是迄今为止世界发展的最佳模式, but it has shortcomings with regards to key sustainability challenges. It excludes the impacts that human and corporate activities have on climate change, 对自然, 或者不平等.

资本主义看重的是贴现现金流的影响. 这说明了一切:如果不是现金,它就不是模型的一部分."

资本主义基于贴现现金流来评估影响. 这说明了一切:如果不是现金,它就不是模型的一部分. 但很多问题还没有解决, 或者可能永远都不会, 现金缴获, 比如一家公司的排放量. Unless the world agrees to put a price on carbon—which in the current geopolitical environment is incredibly difficult.

In the future it would t在这里fore be helpful to develop a model that can provide more holistic signals to the real economy. Capitalism can be improved in this direction; we don’t need to throw it out the window.

Which stakeholders have the largest role to play in this improvement process?

"The main responsibility will rest with companies and financial actors, 而政府将发挥更多的支持作用."

 The main responsibility will rest with companies and financial actors, 而政府将发挥更多的支持作用. Companies and investors need to have the right incentives to integrate climate, nature and inequality into their decision making and risk assessment processes. Let’s take the climate issue in relation to an automotive company as an example. We need to get from fossil-fuel- to electric-powered cars and most companies get that by now. But do they understand the physical risks that climate change may bring to their supply chains? 答案是“可能不够”.

所有行业的公司也需要设定净零目标. 大多数公司都是这么做的, t在这里 has been only a limited focus on integrating the climate transition plan into corporate strategy. For that we need to be able to measure so that we can manage and trustworthily disclose that information to stakeholders.

A performance and accountability system needs to include climate change these days for the information to be captured by capital markets’ valuation models. This will allow us to differentiate companies’ prospects and direct capital towards the solutions that really work.



我们需要三个关键组成部分. 首先是更好的数据. I am confident that we're close to having full transparency in supply chains so that we know, no matter w在这里 in the world raw materials or products are being produced, 他们的碳足迹是什么,我们如何改进产品. 人工智能只会加速整个数据流.

第二个, 信息披露标准至关重要, so that an investor or a financial institution not only gets the data but can turn it into meaningful information that makes investment options comparable. 第三个要素是制定数据质量标准的法规.

Some people believe that regulation should not be the answer to every challenge. But think about it very simply: We have financial accounting rules and few have challenged their principle existence. What we need now is accounting rules that cover climate change, biodiversity loss and inequality.



最显著的进展是在气候变化方面. The greenhouse gas protocols for example, are getting a wholesale reconfiguration. 正如我们所说, a large-scale global project called Partnership for Carbon Transparency (PACT) is working to allow for scope three emissions accounting, the biggest headache for companies when they think about the emissions in their supply chains.

Technology companies like SAP and Microsoft are starting to integrate this data into their supply chain management software. Meanwhile, the G7 published its avoided emission accounting guidance this past year. So, 标准正在形成, 同时给出了工具和计算方法, and even the technology solutions required to implement them are quickly becoming available. 现在的问题是所有公司都开始应用它们.

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is the largest pull factor for this. ISSB发布了他们的S1和S2框架, 本质上是气候相关信息披露的会计准则. Combined with the technology to process the data these frameworks are a great starting point to provide the right signal to financial markets.


 What are the risks if we don't manage to process and implement this data?

"气候 change is no longer a theoretical model, it is upon us now."

 气候 change is no longer a theoretical model, it is upon us now. We see forest fires, floods, and droughts around the world, and it is only likely to get much worse. 我们还有六年的时间,世界末日就要来了.5摄氏度,这是科学上所说的安全操作空间. 是的, we need to take our time to find the right standards and disclosure frameworks, 但是我们不能在这上面花太多时间. The perfect is certainly the enemy of the good in these circumstances.

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