
发表: 2023年5月3日
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

本周,我们的年度 联络代表会议 在蒙特勒举行, 瑞士: gathering leading business sustainability experts from around the world to engage and share updates on the latest industry developments, 将他们定位为业务中的关键变革推动者.

在劳工处会议上, 与我们的会员合作, 我们将重点放在水务署转型工作的关键领域, 创造变革的基石, 包括推动能源转型, 实现环保事业, 推进公平行动, 实施企业碳责任制度, 塑造我们的教育产品.

尽管世界的状况越来越复杂, there is a real sense of progress in sustainability by looking at how the agendas of G7, G20 and COP28 align around the need to drive 气候 and 自然 action to the required levels. 在企业问责制方面, the ISSB reporting framework for 气候 Disclosures will be launched in the next few months; whilst the TNFD has its final framework for integrating Biodiversity impacts into the governance and disclosures out for consultation.

为了说明第一点, looking at the highlights of the Sapporo G7 Communiqué issued after the G7 气候, 能源 and Environment Ministerial Meeting on 15-16 April is worth drawing your attention to. 水务署在香港的存在产生了强烈的影响: 

  • G7 support for ISSB for its work to develop a global baseline for sustainability reporting standards and its work beyond climate and into nature.
  • Launch of the G7 Alliance on 自然的积极 Economy (G7NPE) to help mobilize government and businesses to implement TNFD and shift to nature positive.
  • G7 endorsement of the Japan Ministry of Environment’s 循环经济 and Resource Efficiency Principles (CEREP). 补充和支持全球环境保护原则, WBCSD正在推进全球循环协议的概念. We will launch the work on the Circularity Protocol before the G7 Leader’s Summit in Hiroshima and welcome further interest from G7 member countries to engage with it.
  • 七国集团承诺建立透明度, monitoring and reporting on plastics pollution and use (reduction) along crucial value chains.
  • 的 G7 Communiqué acknowledged WBCSD's efforts toward the release of the first 避免排放指引. WBCSD is thrilled to work with METI and its member companies on this initiative.
  • 有关七国集团会议成果的更多内容,请参阅WBCSD网站 LinkedIn 或通过 日经指数.

关于这个话题 碳责任框架,我们很高兴地宣布 贝索斯地球基金已经捐赠了9美元.2500万美元用于《正规博彩十大网站排名》 (GHG Protocol), which is co-convened by the World 资源 Institute and WBCSD. This support will allow GHG Protocol to upgrade and clarify its existing standards, 创建新指南, 并为企业提供进一步的技术服务. 并行, the work to develop the methodology and data exchange protocol for the Scope 3 accounting has progressed massively in the PACT initiative. 该技术目前正处于几个全球供应链的实时测试阶段.

的 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI)已经启动 其旗舰报告 during the plenary day in Montreux – an important milestone in a project, driven by 60 (business and non-business) Commissioners for the last two years. 它标志着商业领导力的新边界. It is the start of a holistic action agenda to take forward equity action as a collective, responding to the need to tackle the systemic risk of mounting inequality together. 的 report contains ten action areas for business – from implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to realizing the just transition to a net zero and nature-positive economy. 今年晚些时候, we will integrate Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) and BCTI into the globally leading Equity Action platform. 健全企业社会责任体系, ESG中的S, 就像我们为碳和自然所做的那样.

蒙特勒会议也被用来期待第28届联合国气候变化大会, 将于11月30日至12月12日在迪拜举行, 阿联酋. WBCSD has been in close contact with the 阿联酋 COP28 team to help shape the agenda. Of course, we are aware of some skepticism around having the 气候 meeting held in the 阿联酋. 仍然, our interaction indicates that the COP28 leadership is keen to get the 气候 discussion back on track for a 1.全球应对5˚C气候变化,旨在将企业置于气候行动的前沿. 快速正规博彩十大网站开发中的重要元素:

1. 11月28日和29日, 就在第28届联合国气候变化大会正式开始的前几天, 我们将在迪拜主办世界文化与发展理事会会议, 利用现有的许多高水平演讲者. 我恳请大家在日历上预留这些日期, as it will be essential to have you and other CEOs part of this gathering.

2. Our collaboration with the COP28 teams focuses on four critical tracks of action:

   a)大力推动石油行业的脱碳行动 & Gas and hard-to-abate sectors through the Global Decarbonization Alliance (GDA).

   b)  Substantial involvement in the Corporate Carbon Accountability System track by working on the design of a framework that will make it easy for many businesses to adopt.

   c)  WBDSD will be co-chairing the private sector pillar of the COP28 食物 track, 与气候卫士组织和波士顿咨询集团合作. We are helping establish an ambitious and focused agenda on regenerative agriculture which will be announced soon by the COP28 team.

   d)  的 自然 Positive business agenda led by WBCSD is well supported by the COP28 Presidency, 以及我们为SBTN领导的筹备论坛工作 & TNFD as part of the 自然的积极 Roadmap guidance will feature in the COP28 priorities. Our developing work to scale investment into nature-based assets to help deliver 1.5 and the Global Biodiversity Framework will also deliver into COP28 priorities.

如你所见, 蒙特勒(以及其他地方)有很多地方要去, inspiring the sustainability teams with new knowledge and engagement opportunities. 

反映所有这些对系统转换的贡献, 会议的主题是“转型的基石”。, derived from the updated value proposition of WBCSD to its member companies – as we strive to provide business leaders with the building blocks of transformation, 提高实现更美好世界的雄心, 在运营和价值链中快速、大规模地提供行动, 强化绩效问责制.

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